365 ways to energize – a daily companion to living with health, purpose, and joy

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Develop your freedom to be

Day 112Learn to be free

Having the freedom to be ourselves is energizing and empowering. Feeling free is one of my highest values.

Being free, requires that we say yes to that which is important to us, as well as setting healthy boundaries, by saying no to those things that do not go in alignment with our values, believes and wants. This is not always an easy task because we often want to be nice. But nice doesn’t mean that we have to accept that people walk over us. Brene Brown, reminds us that “daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.”

Setting boundaries is healthy and a way of caring for ourselves. We have to learn to respect and take care of ourselves and understand that if we try to be everything for everyone else, we lose ourselves.

Take a look at your life; how often do you feel yourself becoming angry, resentful, or exhausted? If you visit any of those emotions regularly, you have most likely not been setting a healthy boundary.

Terri Cole, says that “at first, you will probably feel selfish, guilty, or embarrassed when you set a boundary. Do it anyway and tell yourself you have the right to self-care. Setting boundaries takes practice and determination. Don’t let anxiety or low self-esteem prevent you from taking care of yourself.”