365 ways to energize – a daily companion to living with health, purpose, and joy


#Daring to step #OutOfMyComfortZone

DAy 120Why bother?

I have discovered that people who blog are either a bit crazy … or courageous. I chose to look at myself as the latter.

“Why are you blogging?” some people ask me. “It must be lonely?” Are you blogging because you want to be liked, or to become famous?”

The questions are really good I find; it helps me to get in touch with why I am blogging and why I embarked on this challenge of writing every day for one year.

Let me share with you why I blog.

  1. I love to share my knowledge

  2. I love to inspire people

  3. I love to write

  4. I love to take photo’s

  5. I love quotes

  6. I love to be creative

  7. I would love to write a book and I am hoping to reuse some of my blogs.

  8. I love having a challenge

  9. I love having a structure

  10. I love having a daily habit

  11. I love hearing from people that they very much enjoy reading my blogs and are inspiring by them.

  12. I love to live my purpose; which is to inspire people to release their energy so that they can live their full potential.

  13. I love to live life

  14. I love to be fully alive

  15. I love to learn

  16. I love to connect

  17. I love to explore

  18. I love adventure

  19. I love to be courageous and not let fear stop me

  20. I actually love to face my fears and overcome them.

We all have our passions and purpose in life.

Some of my passions are listed above and my purpose is to be a #professionalInspirer.

Today I even stepped into another world, the world of Twitter with # hashtags and all. You can find me on